          早睡早起 Early to Bed, Early to Rise 早睡早起省能源?by Caleb Paul and Marcus MauriceGet the most out of sunshine in the summertime.在夏天時充分利用陽光吧!    Benjamin Franklin was in Paris in 1784 when he propo 濾桶sed what would eventually become known as daylight saving time (DST). He argued that by simply moving the clocks ahead an hour 西裝in the springtime, people could live by "sunshine rather than candles."   DST was designed to make the most of the daylight hours in the summer, b 會場佈置ut it has achieved only marginal success. In 1916, Britain first attempted DST when Parliament passed an act that started British Summer Time (BST). _(1)_ At the beginni ARMANIng of World War I, the US adopted DST to conserve the fuel that was needed to produce electricity, and by 1918 it was law. Even so, the use of DST was very inconsistent in the US. _(2)_ In 1966, 關鍵字排名President Lyndon Johnson signed the Uniform Time Act, which stated that clocks would "spring forward" at 2:00 AM on the last Sunday of April and "fall back" at 2:00 AM on the final Sunday in October. _(3)_   Because 景觀設計 of state laws, DST was only first instituted in Indiana in 2006. _(4)_ The study concluded that people used two to four percent more electricity during DST, costing consumers US$9 million in Indiana. Pollution emissions rose and cost the state 禮服 an estimated US$5.5 million, mostly from the use of air conditioners. _(5)_ With US President Barack Obama promising to conserve resources, the sun may finally be setting for daylight saving time.(A) This farming state then measured the impact of DST to see if i 房屋買賣t really worked.(B) Now, the dates have been changed to the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in November.(C) Many states ignored the law altogether, causing confusion with train and plane schedules.(D) While Benjamin Franklin was correct about candles, he had no way of 裝潢 knowing about air conditioning, which was invented many years after his death. (E) The first day BST was put into operation, it caused mass confusion and a storm of opposition in Britain. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 買房子  .

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